23 March, 2009

Politcs and Pageants.....Comment from CF.com post


It's really sad that MGA always gets the blame for this. But to be just a little open, isn't Continental, EOY, USofA that way also?

All pageant contestants pay dues I think a part of it is about growing and showing your dedication to that system. Sometimes judges tend to be repeated and they start to know whose who. If they give you comments they expect you to learn and come back. These ladies and gents spend a lot of money just to walk away with that single title. I must commend all the contestants who go back year after year trying to achieve their goal of being MGA or Miss Continental or EOY. It's not an easy road.

For MGA they have Coti but he finally said no, but what about the others Chantel, China, and of course Victoria. Other winners like Sabrina, Raquel and Charity The same thing at Continental....Monica Munro, Yoshiko and Danielle Hunter went back year after year and through that process they grew and grew. Regine and Sasha are still competing. EOY had Ashley and Dee Ranged. USofA also had Ashley, Necole and Roxy to name a few.

I can't say whether or not these pageants are rigged or not and there have been some really bad results in the past.

Finally I would love a PLUS girl to win one of the three small girl titles. I can see it now your new Miss Continental is _______(Chelsea Pearl or Chevel Brooks) or your new Miss Gay America is _________ (I say Kristina or Porkchop), or how about Miss Gay USofA is _______________ (Angel Sheridan or Charity Case).

Just my two cents.